Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Pet me or go away

I find that dogs opinion of me is very much influenced on whether or not I have bread. Meet Reba the dog. She wanted nothing to do with me at first. She curled her tail and walked away from me whenever I came around, and I felt challenged to capture her in any way necessary. Thus comes the need for food (aka instant friend maker). Not only did she stay near me, but by then end of the visit I was petting her and she was letting me pick her up. Man's best friend just really wants to know their place in the world and this dog was happy to know that I had food and that I was in control of the situation. She let me capture this moment of tranquility after a bit of warming up.

I'm resting, leave me alone

1 comment:

  1. kind of like ducks, hey did you know that ducks eat free at subway? :)


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