Friday, February 5, 2010

A lesson from Denis Reggie

You may remember in yesterday's post a picture of my son with the light going across his face from light to dark. Today's pic is a lesson that I learned from Denis Reggie that really helps to light the face even in a dark church. He calls it foofing, and it's a technique that allows me to light the face nicely without blasting a flash right on the face. I get the directional light from my flash by foofing it off into the distance, bouncing it off of a wall that is 40 feet away and letting it hit the subjects face in a nice beautiful way. This photo is an example of why it was essential for me to go to Imagine USA to learn from the best. I can't wait to use all that I have learned in this years busy wedding season.

Denis Reggie Lesson


  1. it's a nice picture, the colors are great... but for what I saw here, you should "print" more of your soul in your work. there's something missing..

  2. Thanks for the comment. Never thought about "printing" my soul in my work. You've given me a lot to think about. Thanks.

  3. your work is great,very inspiring.


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